Behrendtz, J. & Rahm, L. (in press). AI and Public-Science Communication: everyday pedagogies and governance. Journal of Science and Popular Culture.
Behrendtz, J. (in press). Critical design and the robotic imaginary: design criticism and critical robotics research. Journal of Sociotechnical Critique.
Rahm, L. (2024). “Help!? My Students Created An Evil AI”: on the Irony of Speculative Methods and Design Fiction. Learning, Media and Technology.
Rahm, L. (2024). Bildung: An Exploration of Postdigital Education in the Anthropocene. In: Buch, A., Lindberg, Y., Cerratto Pargman, T. (eds) Framing Futures in Postdigital Education. Postdigital Science and Education . Springer, Cham.
Behrendtz, J. (2024). Convenience begets Capitalism. Fast Capitalism 21(1).
Behrendtz, J. & Carlsson, A. (2024). Retro-mediation, Commodore 64, and Interoperational Devices. Artifact and Apparatus – Journal of Media Archaeology, 2.
Rahm, L. (2023). Educational Imaginaries of AI, in Simon Lindgren and Virginia Dignum (Eds.) Handbook of Critical Studies of Artificial Intelligence (pp. 289-300). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing.
Dignum, V., Casey, D., Cerratto-Pargman, T., Dignum, F., Fantasia, V., Formark, Hammarfelt, B., Holmberg, G., Holzapfel, A., Larsson, S., Lagerkvist, A., Lakemond, N., Lindgren, H., Lorig, F., Marušić, A., Rahm, L., Razmetaeva, U., Sikstrom, S,. Tatar, K & Tucker, J. (2023). On the importance of AI research beyond disciplines. arXiv preprint arXiv:2302.06655.
Rahm, L. (2023). AI Imaginaries: A Genealogy of Lifelong Learning, in: Ben Williamson, Janja Komljenovic and Kalervo Gulson (Eds). Digitalization of Education in the Era of Algorithms, Automation and Artificial Intelligence (pp. 39-53). World Yearbook of Education 2024. London: Routledge.
Rahm, L. (2023). Educational imaginaries: governance at the intersection of technology and education, Journal of Education Policy, 38(1), 46-68,
Rahm, L. (2023). Education, Automation and AI: A Genealogy of Alternative Futures. Learning, Media and Technology, 48(1), 6-24. DOI:
Rahm, L., Martinsson, M. & Behrendtz, J. (2023) AI, klimatet och populism. Ikaros – Tidskrift om människan och vetenskapen, 23: 20-25.
Rahm, L. & Rahm-Skågeby, J. (2023). Imaginaries and Problematisations: A heuristic lens in the age of artificial intelligence in education. British Journal of Educational Technology 54(4): 1147-1159.
Rahm, L. & Rahm-Skågeby, J. (2023). Deliberately Destructive Speculative Design. Postdigital Science and Education, 5, 523–526.
Rensfeldt, A.B., Rahm, L. (2023). Automating Teacher Work? A History of the Politics of Automation and Artificial Intelligence in Education. Postdigital Science and Education 5, 25–43.
Bacchi, C., Kiesewetter, S., Rahm, L. & Tangnäs, J. (2022). Commentary. Sociotechnical imaginaries and WPR: Exploring connections, November 29.
Berglund, K., Jansson, O., & Rahm, L . (2022). Digital humaniora, datorisering och litteraturvetenskap i en digitaliserad värld. Tidskrift för Litteraturvetenskap, 51(3-4).
Bodén, L., Gröndal, H., Sundström Sjödin, E., & Rahm, L. (2022). Sweden! Who would believe this?! Sweden?! Enactments of togetherness and unfinished articles in the mediatized worlds of COVID-19. #FEAS….unfinished business!
Rahm, L., & Kaun, A. (2022). Imagining Mundane Automation: Historical Trajectories of Meaning Making around Technological Change, in: Sarah Pink, Martin Berg, Deborah Lupton, and Minna Ruckenstein (Eds), Everyday Automation: Experiencing and Anticipating Automated Decision-Making (pp.23-41). London: Routledge.
Rahm L. & Rahm-Skågeby, J. (2022) Book Review: Digital Roots – Historicizing Media and Communication Concepts of the Digital Age. Rundfunk & Geschichte, 2022(1-2): 115-117.
Rahm-Skågeby, J., & L, Rahm. (2022). Design and deep entanglements. interactions 29(1), 72-76.
Rahm-Skågeby, J. & Rahm, L. (2022). HCI and deep time: toward deep time design thinking. Human-Computer Interaction, 37(1), 15-28.
Rolandsson, T., Widholm, A. & Rahm-Skågeby, J. (2022) Managing Public Service: The harmonization of Datafication and Managerialism in Development of a News-sorting Algorithm. Digital Journalism 10(10): 1691-1710.
Rahm, L. (2021) Folkbildning som krishantering och krishantering som folkbildning. Socialmedicinsk tidskrift 1, 59-70.
Rahm, L. (2021) Computing the Nordic Way: the Swedish Labor Movement, Computers and Educational Imaginaries from the Post-War Period to the Turn of the Millennium. Nordic Journal of Educational History 8(1), 31-58.
Rahm-Skågeby, J. (2021) We interrupt this program: on the cultural techniques of ’technical difficulties’. Miscommunication: Errors, Mistakes, and the Media (pp. 284-299), Maria Korolkova and Timothy Barker (Eds.), London: Bloomsbury Academic.
Rahm-Skågeby, J. (2021) Re-presencing, re-containing, re-materializing music. Media Fields, 16 (Special issue on Life Cycles).
Rahm-Skågeby, J. & Carlsson, A. (2021) The archive and the scene: on the cultural techniques of retrocomputing databases. New Media & Society, 23(4), 732-749 (Special issue on Storing, sharing and digital materiality).
Rahm, L. (2020). Den svenska arbetarrörelsens datapolitik från efterkrigstiden till millennieskiftet: en berättelse om folkbildning. Fronesis, 64-65.
Rahm, L. & Ahn, S.-e. (2020). Digitalisering. In: Andreas Fejes, Karolina Muhrman & Sofia Nyström (Ed.), Om vuxenutbildning och vuxnas studier: en grundbok (pp. 357-377). Lund: Studentlitteratur AB.
Nylander, E., Rahm, L. & Fejes, A. (2020). Vem studerar på folkhögskola och varför? In: Per Andersson, Eva-Marie Harlin & Helena Colliander (Ed.), Om folkhögskolan: En särskild utbildningsform för vuxna (pp. 87-111). Lund: Studentlitteratur AB.
Rahm, L. (2019). Den digitala medborgarens genealogi: en historia om folkbildningsförhoppningar. Vägval i skolans historia.
Rahm, L. (2019). Utbildning som universalmedel mot teknologins faror och förhoppningar. February 25. Skola & Samhälle [S.O.S].
Rahm, L., Skill, K. & Wihlborg, E. (2019). Demokrati förutsätter att alla kan delta. In T. Raymond & E. Nordqvist (eds.) Delaktighet i en digital tid: Texter för överblick och inspiration (pp. 51-54). Stockholm: Digidelnätverket och Digitaliseringsrådet.
Skågeby, J. (2019) Critical incidents in everyday technology use: exploring digital breakdowns. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, 23(1): 133-144.
Rahm, L. (2018) The ironies of digital citizenship: educational imaginaries and digital losers across three decades. Digital Culture & Society 4(2), 39-62.
Skågeby, J. & Rahm, L. (2018) What is Feminist Media Archaeology? communication +1, 7(1) (Special issue on Intersectionalities and Media Archaeologies).
Skågeby, J. (2018). ‘Well-behaved robots rarely make history’: coactive technologies and partner relations. Design and Culture, 10(2): 187-207.
Skågeby, J. (2018). Imagined interaction: visualizing human-machine communication. Journal of Digital Media & Interaction, 1(1): 7-21.
Skågeby, J. (2018) Crosscurrents in ‘micro’ marketing: home computers and media genealogy. Artnodes: Journal on Art, Science and Technology, 21: 125-137 (Special issue on Media Archaeology).
Skågeby, J. (2018) Biometrics, in: Encyclopedia of Big Data, Laurie A. Schintler & Connie L. McNeely (Eds.), London: Springer.
Rahm, L. & Fejes, A. (2017) Popular education and the digital citizen: A genealogical analysis. European Journal for Research on the Education and Learning of Adults, 8(1):21-36.
Dahlstedt, M., Fejes, A., Olson, M., Rahm, L. & Sandberg, F. (2017). Longing to Belong: Stories of (non)belonging in multi-ethnic Sweden. Nordic Journal of Migration Research, 7(4), 197–204.
Dahlstedt, M., Fejes, A., Olson, M., Rahm, L. & Sandberg, F. (2017) Medborgarskapandets paradoxer: Medborgarskapspositioneringar i berättelser om tillhörighet i migrationens tid. Sociologisk Forskning, 54(1), 31-50.
Skågeby, J. (2017) Dismantling the guitar hero? A case of prodused parody and disarmed subversion (republished), in: Rhetorical Criticism: Exploration and Practice (5th ed), Sonja Foss (Ed.), Long Grove, IL: Waveland Press.
Skågeby, J. (2017) The media archaeology of file sharing: broadcasting computer code to Swedish homes (republished), in: Popular Communication, Piracy and Social Change (pp.), Jonas Andersson Schwarz & Patrick Burkart (Eds.), London: Routledge.
Fejes, A., Olson, M., Rahm, L., Dahlstedt, M. & Sandberg, F. (2016) Individualisation in Swedish adult education and the shaping of neo-liberal subjectivities. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, 62(3): 461–473.
Nylander, E., Rahm, L., Bernhard, D. & Andersson, P. (2016) Folkisar alltmer funkis. Om folkhögskolornas rekrytering och diagnosticeringen av deltagare. Folkbildning & Forskning: Årsbok 2016 (pp. 91-110). Stockholm: Föreningen för Folkbildningsforskning.
Rahm, L. (2016) Folkbildningen och Datorn. Folkbildning & Forskning: Årsbok 2016 (pp. 111-128). Stockholm: Föreningen för Folkbildningsforskning.
Rahm, L. & Skågeby, J. (2016) Prepare for monsters! Governance through popular culture. Irish Journal of Gothic and Horror Studies, 15, 76-95.
Skågeby, J. (2016) Im/possible desires: media temporalities and (post)human-technology relationships. Confero: Essays on Education, Philosophy and Politics, 4(2): 47-76 (Special issue on Transhumanist politics, education, and design).
Skågeby, J. (2016) Media futures: premediation and the politics of performative prototypes. First Monday, 21(2).
Rahm, L. & Fejes A. (2015) Ubiquitous computing, digital failure and citizenship learning in Swedish Adult Education. Citizenship Teaching & Learning, 10(2): 127-141.
Skågeby, J. (2015) The media archaeology of file sharing: broadcasting computer code to Swedish homes. Popular Communication – The International Journal of Media and Culture, 13(1): 62-73.
Skågeby, J. (2015) Interpreting online discussions: connecting artefacts and experiences in user studies. The Qualitative Report, 20(1): 115-129.
Skågeby, J. (2015) The changing shape of sharing: digital materiality and moral economies. Discover Society – Measured, Factual, Critical (18).
Skågeby, J. (2015) Framtidens medier: fiktion och politik. Ikaros – Tidskrift om människan och vetenskapen 11(3-4): 12-15.
Rahm, L & Skågeby, J. (2014) Making change: producing hybrid learning products. Hybrid Pedagogy – a digital journal of learning, teaching and technology.
Skågeby, J. (2014) Useful, joyful, willful — thinking about types of play. First Person Scholar – The Study of Play.
Skågeby, J. (2014) A systemic approach to online sharing motivations: a cross-disciplinary synthesis of rhetorical analysis and gift research (republished), in: Cyber Behavior: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications (pp. 1959-1974), Steve Clarke, Murray E. Jennex, Annie Becker, Ari-Veikko Anttiroiko (eds.), Hershey: IGI Global.
Skågeby, J. (2014) Kassetten, radion och hemdatorn, in: Återkopplingar: Medier, historier, praktiker, fält, Marie Cronqvist, Patrik Lundell & Pelle Snickars (Eds), Lund: Mediehistoriskt arkiv.
Skågeby, J. (2014) Functionality, in: Social Media and Politics: An A-Z Guide, Kerric Harvey (Ed.), London: SAGE.
Skågeby, J. (2014) Value, in: Social Media and Politics: An A-Z Guide, Kerric Harvey (Ed.), London: SAGE.
Skågeby, J. & Rahm, L. (2013) Positive resistance and the queering of digital media theory: on course dis/contents and classroom spaces. Media Fields Journal, 7 (special issue on Media Spaces of Gender and Sexuality).
Rahm, L. (2013) Who will survive? On bodies and boundaries after the apocalypse. Gender Forum – An Internet Journal for Gender Studies,45, 72-83.
Skågeby, J. (2013) The performative gift: a feminist materialist conceptual model. communication +1, 2(1) (Special issue on Communication and New Materialism).
Skågeby, J. (2013) Dismantling the guitar hero? A case of prodused parody and disarmed subversion. Convergence – The International Journal of Research into New Media Technologies, 19(1): 63-76.
Skågeby, J. (2012) The irony of serendipity: disruptions in social information behaviour. Library Hi Tech, 30(2): 321-334.
Skågeby, J. (2012) A systemic approach to online sharing motivations: a cross-disciplinary synthesis of rhetorical analysis and gift research, in: Virtual Community Participation and Motivation: Cross-Disciplinary Theories (pp.192-207), Honglei Li (Ed.), Hershey: IGI Global.
Skågeby, J. (2011) Slow and fast music media: comparing values of cassettes and playlists. Transformations Journal of Media and Culture, 20 (Special issue on Slow Media).
Skågeby, J. (2011) Pre-produsage and the remediation of virtual products. New Review of Hypermedia and Multimedia 17(1): 141-159 (Special issue on Exploring Produsage).
Skågeby, J. (2011) Conceptions of new media: towards analytical dimensions. Cyberstudies Journal.
Skågeby, J. (2011) Online friction: studying micro-level sociotechnical conflicts to elicit user experiences (republished), in: Knowledge Development and Social Change through Technology: Emerging Studies (pp. 123-135), Elaine Coakes (Ed.), Hershey: IGI Global.
Skågeby, J. (2011) Online ethnographic methods: towards a qualitative understanding of user engagement and communication sharing, in: Handbook of Research on Methods and Techniques for studying Virtual Communities (pp. 410-428), Ben Kei Daniel (Ed.), Hershey: IGI Global.
Skågeby, J. (2010) Gift-giving as a conceptual framework: framing sociotechnical behaviour in online networks. Journal of Information Technology 25(2): 170-177.
Skågeby, J. (2009) Online friction: studying online sociotechnical conflicts to elicit user experience., International Journal of Sociotechnology and Knowledge Development 1(2): 63-75 (Special issue on New Sociotechnical Insights in Interaction Design).
Skågeby, J. (2009) Exploring qualitative sharing practices of social metadata: expanding the attention economy. The Information Society 25(1): 60-72.
Rahm, L. (2008). Välkommen till kvällens föreställning! In: Färnström, L. (Ed.) Möte med publiken. Ung scen/bok: 2, pp. 65-71. Linköping: Östgötateatern
Skågeby, J. (2008) Semi-public end-user content contributions: a case study of concerns and intentions in online photo-sharing. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies 66(4): 287-300.
Skågeby, J. (2007) Analytical dimensions of online gift-giving: ‘other-oriented’ contributions in virtual communities. International Journal of Web-based Communities 3(1): 55-68.
Skågeby, J. (2007) Designing control of computer-mediated gifting in sharing networks. In: Designing for Networked Communication: Strategies and Development (pp. 240-268), Sisse Siggaard Jensen & Simon Heilesen (Eds.), Hershey: Idea Group Publishing.
Skågeby, J. & Pargman, D. (2005) File-sharing Relationships – conflicts of Interest in online gift-giving. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Communities and Technologies (pp. 111-127), Peter van den Besselaar, Giorgio de Michelis, Jenny Preece & Carla Simone (Eds.), Dordrecht: Springer.
McGee, K. & Skågeby, J. (2004, 2005) Gifting Technologies. First Monday 10(7) Special issue on Music and the Internet. Nonprofit Online News Vol.8, issues 49-53 (republished).